I had a chance back yonder to mention a few things that I will talk about but forgot to, they say that "A Mind is a terrible thing to waste, well us old People didn't waste ours, it is more like Worn out, we don't remember things like we are supposed to, I remember when FDR said that this day will live in Infamy, I have heard that the Japanese don't ever say anything about the Second World War or neither their History Books says anything about it. I don't blame them in a way. every country we tore up, we turned around and rebuilt it for them after the war was over, every Piece of Scrap iron was important, there was a truck came around about once a week and we would look for Scrap Iron to sell them to build tanks, Planes and such, we would even save used Razor Blades and throw them in , I remember they would Paint Signs on the Plants, one especially said "Loose Lips Sink Ships" then Harry Truman finally dropped the Bomb and ended it. but that War was a Whole Nation thing, the Government would supply the Yarn and Belle Richardson got all the Ladies in the Community together that could Knit and knitted Socks for the Soldiers to wear, for Free, I am sure the same thing was going on all over the country,
Winter was a Miserable Time back then, Houses were not like they are now, they were Cold and Shabby, I don't remember People Painting them, we would Whitewash ours, my daddy would get some Sacks of White Powder and we would put water in it until he said that it was alright and then rub it on with Some kind of a Brush, it was not a Paint Brush.
they would build Houses out of green Lumber and our floor was made of green Lumber and when it had time to dry out it would leave a Crack between the two Boards you could drop a Pencil through, we could see the Chickens under the floor, back then everybody woud have a Water bucket and a Dipper and if you wanted a Drink of Water you just went and took the Dipper and Dipped you some and drank it. in the Winter the Water Bucket would be in the Kitchen at night and the water would be Frozen the next Morning and you couldn't get the Dipper out until you thawed it out,
but one Day my daddy went to Iron City Tennessee and came back with a truck load of Hard Wood Flooring, we put that down and that helped a lot, Never did put a finish of any kind on it, but it kept the Wind out
Had as cheapest Heater you could Buy and we would sit around it with our Coat on and Burn on one side and freeze on the other.
Finally all of them got Married but Me and Fluke, we both had us a Car and Gas wasn't but 29 cents a Gallon, I remember when it was 20 cents a Gallon and you could get 5 Gallon for a dollar, there was a Store right on the Franklin Colbert and Lawrence county line that had one of those old Gas Pumps with the big Glass Bowl, and that Bowl would hold 10 Gallon, and to fill the Bowl it had a Handle you had to work back and forward, Cigarettes were 20 cents a Pack, I remember Phillip Morris, Lucky Strike,Camel, Chesterfield and Sunshine. back to where Gas was 29 cents a Gallon, I remember one Daiy a Man saying that Oil was $2.80 cents a Barrel.
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