There were Six Boys and Six Girls, in our Family and how we all lived through it? I don't know, about all I ever remember taking for Meicine was Calimol Tablets, and if you had a sore or got cut it was Zinc-Oxide that is all my Daddy knew, if you were Sick he would say "that Boy is Billious, give him some Calimol Tablets, now what Billious was I have never found out yet, Calimol was a Pink Tablet and just to take it made you want to Gag, and I guess we might have had Paregoric, don't recall.
anyhow anybody could go to the Druggist there in Leighton and tell him what was hurting and He would give you some Medicine for your Ailment, he knew as much about it as the Doctor.
the Doctor used to come to your house to see you, I remember getting Pneumonia and the old Doctor would drive the 8 miles out there and give me a shot of Pennicillan, boy I hated to see him pull up out there I was going to get a shot, but it didn't take but three.
but way back before that I got Colitis, a lot of Little Babies would die from Colitis, they didn't know what to do for it, anyhow the Dr. would ride a Mule out there to see me then, this was before he got a Car, and I was Bad, and Mom had been cooking Cabbage that Day, and the old Dr. come up on his Mule and she told him that "this Baby has been crying for some of this Cabbage ever since I started cooking it " and he told her to give me some that I was going to die anyway.
so She gave me some and I started to getting better right away, I have thought about it a lot, that if there had not been any Cabbage I would be an Angel now, but I reckon God had a plan for me and he spared me, I haven't figured out what the plan was yet but maybe I have done performed what he wanted me to do and I just didn't know it.
One of my Sisters got her Clothes on Fire at the Fireplace and Burned her Hip pretty bad and the old Doctor would ride the Mule out there every day and he would make up some Medicine using Vaseline, Household Lime and Carbolic Acid and brush it on her with a Feather and it healed it up.
when I was working at U.S.Reduction I would get a place burned and I would make me up some of it and use it and one Day the Foreman asked me, Ed how do you get these Burns well so fast? I told him, and he said "well it sure is good".
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