Saturday, December 11, 2010

I will try to do better

I will try to do better on keeping things in line, when Ya'll reach 76 Years old you will say, "I didn't know it would be like this" Everything in the World wrong with you, a lot of Aches and Pains, going to the Doctor, having Operations, have had 6 so far, that Fool that named them "The Golden Years" was off his Rocker, you do the best you can as long as you can and then you give it up.

I got back from the Army, Oh I would go with Girls but none I wanted to get interested in, There was two that worked at City Cafe in Russellville, I really wanted to go out with one but she already had a Boyfriend, so I went with the other one, we would Double Date, then after that when I would ask the one I wanted to date to go out, then she would say that she didn't go with her Friends Boyfriends.

I went with the second choice for about a year or longer, her People were Good People and finally the two that we were Double dating with decided they would get Married, so we messed around a little longer and just decided we would try it.

we got married on the 13thof November 1960 and I already had the House rented and She went with me and we bought the Furniture and two weeks later we got Married. I was 26 and she was 17, not hardly as bad as my Buddy who was 28 and 14. Back then all the Girls got married as quick as school was completed. and I didn't wan't one that was Divorced.

well Nov. 13th 2010 was our Golden Wedding Anniversary, we didn't get the first Little One until 2 years later, she was the Prettiest little thing I had ever seen, and two years later, here came another one, and she was Pretty as she could be too.

we wanted a Boy and we wanted one so bad that we would ask God to let us have a Boy, It worked for he sent us two Twin Boys, back then People didn't know how many and whether it was a Boy or Girl, you waited and was Surprized.

the Day they was born I was working the 11-7 Shift and it was Sunday May 12, Mothers Day, and I could have laid down on a Concrete Floor and have went to Sleep. She was already in the Hospital and I got over there as soon as I could Shower, and I wasn't there but a few Minutes until they came in and took her to the Delivery Room.

after they were gone I looked over at her bed and the Head was rolled most of the way up and I went over there and sat down and leaned back, and the next thing I knew that old Dr. shook me and said "I have never seen anything like this before in my Life" I had slept right through them being born, all you People who have worked the 11-7 shift know what I am talking about Don't you?

after awhile they came by with the Twins on a Gurney, and they were ruined, both of their Heads came to a sharp point at the back and the first thing I thought was "Heckle and Jeckyle" because of them very badly pointed Heads, and I asked the Nurse and she said that they would get round in a few Days and sure enough they did, and then we had two fine looking Boys to go with them two Girls.
We hadn't expected two and we only had one name, the next Day the Hospital wanted to know their names and we didn't have one yet, well we thought and thought but couldn't decide, the next day the nurse came by and wanted to know what we were going to name them and we didn't know, there was a woman in the other Bed and she said , Why don't you name them Jeff and Greg, we looked at each other and then one of us told the Nurse "Their Names are Jeff and Greg. and that settled that.
their Birthdays only comes around on Mother's Day on May 12th, every 17 Years.


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